Apps That Make Me Money While I Go About My Day


Let’s face it- we could ALL use a little extra dough (especially “we” who are actors!) Whether you want extra money to save a little more or splurge a little more, it never hurts.

If you’re like me, you’re busy, too. We don’t necessarily have the time to work out elaborate “side hustles” or take on extra part time jobs. That’s why passive income is so important to me, as well as money that I can earn with minimal thought or effort.

This is the definitive list of apps I use that make me money while I go about my day. I’ve experimented with tons of different apps in the years since I’ve gotten a smartphone, and I finally have a system that can determine which ones are actually worth my time, and which ones aren’t remotely worth the money they pay out.

To make my list, these apps must check at least three of the following four requirements:

  • Quick, very easy, or automatic – An app that takes barely any effort from me at all. Maybe a quick setup or check-in here and there. A few minutes of my time weekly, max.
  • Pays well – The payouts add up and make any effort I put in worth my time.
  • Fun! –  Some of these apps are more “time killers”, meaning they are enjoyable for me. Rather than play a regular game on my phone, I can play something that pays me money to kill time!
  • Reliable and intuitive system and payouts – I’m not spending valuable time emailing customer service, trying to figure out what the heck I’m doing, or jumping through hoops.

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